Homeschool encouragement is needed because homeschooling is not easy. If it were, everyone would do it! Feeling burnout at times is very common. Homeschooling takes a lot of time and energy to plan lessons and keep up with the curriculum for one or more kids working at different levels. And let’s be honest, sometimes we need a break from our kids!
Homeschooling is a great way to give children the opportunity to learn at their own pace and to get more one-on-one attention than they would in a public school classroom. It also allows for more creativity in the curriculum, and homeschooled children often have opportunities to perform hands-on experiments.
However, all of that one-on-one attention can be exhausting for parents as teachers! Homeschool mothers and fathers need encouragement because they are doing an important job.
Each of these points below is specific to homeschool parents. Read on or save this page for later to remind yourself you can do this!

Remember Your Homeschool “Why”
There are so many benefits to homeschooling.
Maybe you wanted to provide a better education for your kids or spend more time together. Or, you might have wanted to help your children have better sibling relationships, give them (and yourself) a more relaxed learning schedule, or have the ability to tailor your curriculum to match your family’s beliefs. Maybe it was as simple as you wanting to raise critical thinkers.
Whatever your homeschool “why” is, it is important to take a step back when things are hard and remember all of the good you are doing by homeschooling your children.
Good and Not so Good Homeschool Days
Some days, all goes smoothly and your kids cooperate. But on other tough days, you may just need to call it done early and start fresh the next day.
All homeschool families experience times of burnout and overwhelm. One of the benefits of homeschooling is that it allows such a flexible schedule. It’s totally okay if you or your kids have an off day, the lesson doesn’t go as planned, or everyone’s focus seems to be off.
Just remember that not every day will be like this, and try again tomorrow! At some point when you are looking back, the good days will exceed the harder days!
Celebrate the Homeschool Wins
Although it would be great if everything went smoothly all the time, that’s not always the case. That’s why it is so important to celebrate the times when things do go right!
When your kids learn something new that they have been struggling with, when everyone gets along (even if it’s just for an hour), or when chores are done without you having to remind them three times, celebrate those small teaching and parenting wins… and maybe treat yourself, too!
Parents as Teachers
Children learn by example and homeschool parents are constantly teaching their children through what they say and do.
Be encouraged that you have the ability to custom tailor your homeschool curriculum to fit the needs of your individual child. If one approach or curriculum isn’t working for your child, don’t be afraid to try something new. You know them best and can cater to their strengths and weaknesses.
Parents as teachers gives you a unique opportunity to not only experience the first steps and words, you get a front row seat to the first book they read independently and story they write! That’s an awesome opportunity and great memories for parents as teachers.
Homeschool Help When Needed
All children are different and some need more homeschool help than others. This can be in the form of more one-on-one time, tutoring, or using a homeschool curriculum that is more hands-on. Either way, you have the opportunity to provide help or find help when it’s needed to fill any gaps in learning.
Don’t feel like you are a bad homeschool parent if you need to seek extra support for your kids. Sometimes kids need a particular topic or lesson explained in a different way and a beautiful part of the homeschool journey is creating your own path!
A beautiful part of the homeschool journey is creating your own path!
Quality Family Time
Homeschooling allows for more quality family time together. Whether it is through the actual teaching of a curriculum, the bonus family homeschool field trips and vacations you get to take, or the fact that you get to spend the seemingly-unimportant parts of the day together, you and your children are benefiting from the extra time spent as a family.
More Homeschool Resources than Ever
The world is literally at your fingertips when it comes to homeschool resources. You are homeschooling in a time of an abundance of information and resources!
Don’t feel like you need to reinvent the wheel and come up with all of your own lesson plans, activities, and experiments. There are people all over Pinterest, Google, Facebook, and Youtube who have already solved your problem and want to help you. Take off some of the pressure from homeschooling and find resources that you can use or edit to fit your individual child!
Communities for Homeschool Encouragement
There are also many supportive people and groups who want to help and share ideas. Whether you look around the place you live for other homeschooling co-ops or head to the internet to find online groups, there are other people out there who are dealing with the same things you are!
Having a group of people who can share in your experiences is so important. A homeschool community can help you feel more connected to others, celebrate your wins and be there for your disappointments, and can be a great resource when it comes to teaching and other parenting ideas.
Beauty in the Homeschool Chaos
Homeschooling can be chaotic, but it is also beautiful. You are educating your children in your own homes, and there is nothing more special than that. This period of time is only a fraction of what your kids will experience throughout their life. You have the great blessing of being able to spend this time with them, teaching them and preparing them for the world around them.
Be encouraged to keep homeschooling, even when it feels like a lot of work. It is worth it!
Skills for Life
Be encouraged that homeschooling will make your child stronger both academically and emotionally. Beyond what they learn in the curriculum, they will be learning the important life skills that they will need for the rest of their lives. They will learn how to be responsible for their own education and take ownership of their learning. They will also develop a strong sense of self-confidence and independence. You have a hand in raising a mightier, kinder, and stronger future generation. Homeschooling can only lead to a better tomorrow!
Be Encouraged, Homeschooling Parents!
Sometimes, homeschooling can be a tough, thankless task. You are doing an amazing job educating your children in the comfort of your own home. When you are struggling, take a step back and realize all of the good that you are doing for your family. Remember that you have an abundance of resources available to you, supportive homeschool communities and that homeschooling will only lead to a better tomorrow. Keep up the good work!