With all the hype behind “She Sheds,” people are looking to make the extra spaces around their homes more functional. One of the most practical trends is turning outdoor buildings into an “EduShed” for homeschooling families.
If you live in an area where space and HOAs permit a shed, mobile unit, or RV, an EduShed may be a great (and affordable) solution to having a special space on your property for teaching and learning.
Why? A converted storage building that becomes a one-room schoolhouse gives kids (and parents) a designated learning space. It can be used part of the day for particular subjects, as a cozy book nook and library, or for crafting in a safe space for messes.
What Can I Use As A Homeschool Shed?
Don’t let the term “shed” limit your space ideas. Although a storage shed is a great option to convert into a homeschooling room, you could also use an RV or even a detached garage.
If you like the idea of a separate learning space but don’t have the room outdoors, you can also look into converting the basement of your home into an “EduShed”! The main requirements for a Homeschool Shed are that they are large enough for your student to learn in and they are a comfortable learning space.
How Much Does A Homeschool Shed Cost?
The costs can vary depending on the size of the space and your budget. An Amazon Lifetime 20×8 DIY shed is $3699, a Costco 12×24 DIY shed is $4500, whereas a shipping container or tiny home could cost as much as $45,000. Consider that this is an improvement to your property and will benefit you in the long run as it can be used after the homeschooling years for storage, a She-Shed, or even converted to an Airbnb!
If you can have a mobile unit on your property, be sure to check school surplus auctions! Many are getting rid of mobile units and they are already set up for classroom use.
How To Set Up An EduShed
The whole point of a homeschool shed is to have a separate space for learning. However, that doesn’t mean that this space has to be boring! This learning space can be as creative as you want it to be. You can start designing by covering the walls with learning resources or your child’s projects.
You can bring in desks and have the space set up as a “home office,” or get rid of the structure and have comfy seating like bean bags or yoga balls. Many families also use the homeschool shed as a reading nook or library. Other great room ideas include adding a corkboard or whiteboard for easy learning and display uses and putting in shelves for games and other resources.
Some families take the EduShed to a whole other level and decorate the outside as a tiny schoolhouse. This could be a fun option to really set the mood that your child is learning while in the shed space.
Beyond decorating, you also want to make sure that your homeschool room is a safe and comfortable place to learn. It might be a good idea to run electrical to the shed so that you can add window units or space heaters for heating and cooling. Running electricity to the space will also allow you to set up computers and add lighting.
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How To Handle Learning In A Homeschool Shed
One of the pros of home learning is that you don’t have the same structure found in a regular school setting. However, as the homeschool shed is a separate learning space away from your home, you may want to set up some ground rules for how learning is handled in the EduShed. Will your student be able to play in the shed, or is it only for schooling? Will certain subjects be taught in other areas of the home, or will everything school-related take place in the shed? How will you handle things like meals or bathroom breaks? Making sure that the structure behind your student’s learning is clear will help them utilize the space in the best way possible.
What Else Can I Use The EduShed For?
As a homeschool mom or dad, you have plenty on your plate. Beyond homeschooling and when the school year is over, you also have other events and family activities to take care of. The great thing about having an EduShed is that it can double as a multipurpose room for your family!
This could be a great space for a game night or to host a birthday party. Or, you could add in a blow-up mattress and turn it into a quick guest room if needed. Plus, as mentioned above, you could always use the EduShed after you are done homeschooling for a variety of purposes.
Homeschooling sheds are a great way to create a separate learning space for your family. If you already have a storage shed, RV, or other space that doesn’t seem to get much use, why not turn it into an EduShed? These storage spaces can be turned into unique learning rooms for your student and will continue to have a purpose beyond their homeschooling years.