Below are free online typing games for kids to practice and improve their typing skills! Actually, these games help build speed typing and accuracy for adults and kids too. All of these typing games for kids online do not require a download. They are free at the time of writing although a few offer more options for a fee.
Dance mat typing guide
Type letters on a dancing map and words will appear as they are typed. Players are rewarded for accuracy and consistency. This game helps to increase typing speed as well as improve vocabulary. The quizzes have 5 levels of difficulty and three levels of vocabulary. Levels are earned by typing at a speed of 80 wpm.
Teachers come in the form of animated cartoon characters who give tips along the way. Sound effects also help as players perform the tasks and move to the next level.
Word of caution- Although ads are not embedded in the program, they are on the actual page of the game so young typers will need assistance making sure they go directly to the practice games and not on an ad. No login is required to play dance mat typing.
Typing Ninja
Typing (dot) com is a site geared towards elementary age kids for interactive games to practice typing skills. For example, the typing ninja game has a letter that appears from the bottom of the screen and the players must click the letter to “slice” the object (example: b-banana) before the letter bounces back to the bottom of the screen.
There are several games to choose from. The games are free although the site will prompt for creating an account the more games are played. There are ads on the site but not embedded into the games.
Typeracers is a multiplayer game where players race by typing in either repetitive words or a quote from a book, movie or t.v. show- you can find the complete list of the quotes used here. This game is suited for adults with the text difficulty although kids could play the version of typing a word in repetition or schools could consider a classroom subscription. After each game, players view a chart with stats including their wpm, errors, time and accuracy. The website contains ads and social features and should be monitored.
The school edition allows teachers to select the texts used and does not display ads. It does not require an email login and provides a private environment.
Typing Club
Typing club if a great free website for beginners learning to type. The ads are unobtrusive and it follows a logical path for kids to learn and practice the home row and build on previous skills. It includes over 800 games, instructional videos and tests. The site does not contain any social features, which lessen the risks associated with multiplayer sites.
Typing club is used by many schools to introduce keyboarding in a fun and engaging way. They also offer audio and visual accessibility features.
Typetastic offers many typing practice games and choices of K-2, Upper elementary, Middle School and High School games. It’s interactive, colorful and engaging with an island theme. There is an ad free option for school subscribers but ads are unobtrusive on the free version. The skills build throughout the lessons with activities and games to improve typing fluency and skills.

Typing Test
Typing test gives you data about your typing skills based off of typing a block of texts in anywhere from one minute to ten minute increments. If you choose the one minute test, you will type a block of text while a timer operates in the background. Once the timer gets to zero, the next screen provides a snapshot of your typing speed and accuracy. This site is helpful for older students or adults who need to know and improve on their typing words per minute skills.
Typing Pal
Typing Pal offers one free trial version in exchange for some basic account information. This version gives one game but it does allow you to compare the features and pricing to the two paid programs listed below.
They do have some free worksheet resources to teach some best practices and ergonomics, found here. Students could use the worksheet to keep track of their game scores and set goals for improvement.
The following two programs are not free but they offer a complete keyboarding curriculum and an option for homeschoolers.
Type to Learn
Type to Learn is a paid keyboarding program but it is worth noting that they do offer a specific subscription for homeschoolers. This subscription includes a full keyboarding curriculum for up to three licenses/students.
Keyboarding Without Tears
Keyboarding without Tears is mostly used in K-12 schools but they do have resources available to families for purchase that include keyboarding components. At the time of writing, keyboarding licenses are $9.99 per student available with the link below. .